Microtension: What is it and how do we get it onto the page?

People talk like microtension began and now idles with Donald Maass.  For Maass, microtension boils down to a conflict...a juxtaposition...a clashing of things, preferably emotions, but also ideas, concepts, anticipations, whatever--whatever's available for contradiction in your story.  But is there more? More guidance? By random chance (or synchronicity?), I came across a book in the … Continue reading Microtension: What is it and how do we get it onto the page?

Rhythm in Plotting: The Bestseller’s best-kept secret – Part 2

We're looking at how to create the regular, rhythmic beat that The Bestseller Code says exists in the top two bestselling adult books of all time, Fifty Shades of Gray and The Da Vinci Code. When we left off last week, we were wondering how, specifically, to create this rhythm. The goal is to alternate negative … Continue reading Rhythm in Plotting: The Bestseller’s best-kept secret – Part 2