Microtension: What is it and how do we get it onto the page?

People talk like microtension began and now idles with Donald Maass.  For Maass, microtension boils down to a conflict...a juxtaposition...a clashing of things, preferably emotions, but also ideas, concepts, anticipations, whatever--whatever's available for contradiction in your story.  But is there more? More guidance? By random chance (or synchronicity?), I came across a book in the … Continue reading Microtension: What is it and how do we get it onto the page?

Hooks Big and Small–How the Masters Do It

We looked at hooks last week, both concept hooks that pique our initial interest in a story and in-story hooks that keep us engaged from start to finish. Today we’re looking at how a few New York Times bestsellers hook us.  I pulled these loglines from the February 2, 2020 NYTBS list, and then looked … Continue reading Hooks Big and Small–How the Masters Do It