Neigh is for Horses, Not Writers

I read a lot of craft books for this site.  Quite often, within the first few pages, the writing guru lays out for me and all other aspiring authors that the odds are against us, that artistry in writing can't be taught, and that we'll probably never succeed . . . so try at your … Continue reading Neigh is for Horses, Not Writers

Introducing the Newsletter and a FREE, 19-page Character Development Workbook

Hello, People! We started a newsletter. It's a monthly-to-quarterly-ish newsletter, a way to check in with you, give you updates, and send you free worksheets and whatnot. If you're already a Tool updates subscriber through the Feedburner link (over there on the right) or by email through WordPress, then we've already added you to the … Continue reading Introducing the Newsletter and a FREE, 19-page Character Development Workbook